Permanent staff
- Dr Richard ARINERO
- Maître de Conférences HDR
- Phone: +33-467.14.32.98
- Dr Michaël BAHRIZ
- Maître de Conférences
- Phone: +33-467.14.38.25
- Dr Alexei BARANOV
- Directeur de recherche CNRS (Emeritus)
- Phone: +33-467.14.34.72
- Dr Laurent CERUTTI
- Maître de Conférences HDR
- Phone: +33-467.14.32.81
- Prof Philippe CHRISTOL
- Professeur
- Phone: +33-467.14.38.26
- Maître de Conférences HDR
- Phone: +33-467.14.32.86
- Mme Delphine JOURDAIN
- Assistant-Ingénieure
- Phone: +33-467.14.32.82
- Ingénieure d’Etudes
- Phone: +33-467.14.xx.xx
- Dr Jean-Philippe PEREZ
- Maître de Conférences HDR
- Phone: +33-467.14.38.22
- Dr Jean-Baptiste RODRIGUEZ
- Directeur de recherche CNRS
- Phone: +33-467.14.32.81
- Maître de Conférences HDR
- Phone: +33-467.14.39.03
- Prof Thierry TALIERCIO
- Professeur
- Phone: +33-467.14.34.71
- Prof Eric TOURNIE
- Professeur
- Phone: +33-467.14.32.80
- Prof Aurore VICET
- Professeure
- Phone: +33-467.14.39.04
Post docs and PhD students
- Théo SABARDEIL, Molecular-beam epitaxy of InGaAsSb quaternary alloys, and application to infrared devices, in collaboration with III-V Lab (2022 – 2025).
- Matthias TORNAY, New architectures of infrared T2SL photodetectors, in collaboration with LYNRED (2022 – 2025).
- Soufiane HAJII, Fabrication of a THz modulator with photogenerated metasurfaces (2022 – 2025).
- Maëva FAGOT, Antimonide interband cascade lasers grown on GaAs and Si substrates (2022 – 2025).
- Hassen MEZOUAR, Impact of radiations on T2SL infrared photodetectors (2023 – 2026).
- Milan SILVESTRE, Integration of antimonide III-V semiconductors on Si and Ge based substrates (2023 – 2026).
- Yannis BILLIET, Integration of interband cascade lasers for comb generation in the midinfrared (2023 – 2026).
- Lydia KACEL, Single mode interband cascade lasers for gas sensing, in collaboration with MIRSENSE (2024 – 2027).
- Sow GALLO, Molecular beam epitaxy of ferromagnetic GaSb-based materials for quantum technologies (2024 – 2027).
- Sébastien LACAZE, Integration of III-V semiconductor lasers on SiGe platforms for comb generation (2024 – 2027).
- Sirine BOULOS, Co-integration of GaSb-optoelectronic devices grown on Si with chalcogenide photonic circuits (2024 – 2027).
- Camélia LOURDIANE, III-V heterostructures grown on InP-on-Si templates: application to high bit rate devices, in collaboration with III-V Lab (2024 – 2027).
- Julie GOUTORBE, High power interband cascade laser arrays (2024-2027).
In this section, you will find the names, thesis title, graduation date, and last (known) employer of our alumni (section under construction!).
- Cyril CERVERA, The InAs/GaSb T2SL for infrared photodetectors (2011): CEA-Leti.
- Youness LAAROUSSI, Development of mid-infrared VCSELs with sub-wavelength grating mirors (2012): Arvida.
- Dorian SANCHEZ, Mid-IR VCSELs (2012): InSpek.
- Rachid TAALAT, Fabrication and electro-optical characterization of InAs/GaSb photodetectors (2013): MBDA.
- Vilianne N’TSAME GUILENGUI, Plasmonic resonators based on highly-doped InAsSb: toward an all-semiconductor plasmonics (2013): Delfmems.
- Axel EVIRGEN, InSb photodetectors grown by molecular-beam epitaxy for high temperature operation (2014): Thales-RT.
- Johan ABAUTRET, Design, fabrication and characterization of InSb avalanche photodiodes (2014): MIRSENSE.
- Marie DELMAS, Analysis of InAs/GaSb T2SL photodetectors (2015): IRNOVA
- Karine MADIOMANANNA, Molecular-beam epitaxy of GaSb-based materials on Silicon substrates (2015): CORIAL.
- Sophie ROUX, Frequency conversion toward long wavelengths in periodically poled semiconductor waveguides (2016): Thales Alenia Space.
- Andrea CASTELLANO, Sb-based telecom lasers: toward integration on Silicium (2016).
- Fatima OMEIS, Theoretical and experimental study of plasmonic metamaterials for infrared applications (2017): ST Microelectronics.
- Quentin DURLIN, XBn InAsSb photodetectors for high temperature operation (2017): CEA-Leti.
- Franziska BAHRO, Engineering plasmonic resonators based on highly-doped semiconductors for absorption exaltation (2017): Schneider Optical Machines.
- Mario BOMERS, Functionalised semiconductor metamaterials and plasmonics for high sensitivity chemical and bio-sensing (2018): German Research Foundation.
- Julie TOURNET, III-Sb solar cells and their integration on Silicon (2019): Australia National University.
- Olivier DELORME, Incorporating bismuth into III-Sb semiconductors grown by molecular beam epitaxy (2019): Nokia-Bell Labs.
- Eduardo ALVEAR, Photogenerated metasurfaces for THz applications (2019): Valeo.
- Rodolphe ALCHAAR, InAs/GaSb T2SL photodetectors for the LWIR (2019): Inst. Nanosciences de Paris (INSP).
- Clément MAES, Mid-IR active plasmonics with highly doped semiconductors (2020): Coralium.
- Marta RIO-CALVO, Epitaxy of III-Sbs on on-axis (001) Si for integrated photonics (2020): OSRAM.
- Daniel Andres Diaz-Thomas, Mid-IR interband cascade VCSELs (2020): Thalès-RT.